
Tuesday 3 March 2020

What Values look like to me.

3.2.2020       Walt create a quality blog post for our audience, using correct punctuation

Our school values are showing respect to one or each other. For example if your friend had fallen over and he hurt his nee what would you do I would go over and see if he\she needs help. Respect also mean's looking out for each other. I think from the top of my head that respect mean's being kind to each other. Respect and kindness are two of the most best values I know. Kindness is one of the other value's in our school it stands for friendship and kindness so looking out for each other or being there to help him\her we there down.

Responsibility is another key value it mean's looking after your own sports gear or your own things. I think responsibility mean's to take good care of what you've been given from a mate or someone.

In conclusion I think value's are a way to show kindness or respect or kind of using your manners that's why value's are really good.


  1. Tēnā koe Kauri. You have a well-written post about respect here. I can see you've organised your ideas about respect into paragraphs too, tino pai! Kindness and respect are two of my core values as well. I really like reading that you believe kindness and respect are both important values to have.

    I wonder if respect would look differently depending on where you went - what do you think? For example, how might showing respect at school, differ to showing respect at home, at a friends house, or at rugby? Why do you think it's important that we continue to show respect and kindness, no matter where we are?

  2. Hi Miss Fleet I think Respect & kindness are to of the main values we show towards the school and towards My whanau Respect and Kindness is the two key value's in Rugby we show Respect & kindness to our rugby gear and our coach\teachers. What do you think Respect and Kindness looks like to you.

  3. Dear Kauri,
    I like the layout of your post and the way it fits together like the paragraphs.

    I also enjoyed reading your blog because as I was reading it I couldn't stop. It is full of facts that are read as instructions yet is not forceful to the reader. I think that this is a good way to get the point out to our audience.

    In conclusion, I enjoyed reading your blog.



walt use blogger again  8.9.2020