
Friday 28 February 2020

The creation story

24.2.2020 WALT use correct sentence punctuation in your blog post and comments.
The creation story.

The creation story is about how Papatuanuku and Ranginui made land and sky. There was nothing nothing but darkness he was called Te po. Papa & Rangi made land & sky. Papa had 6 sons They are all Maori gods. Later when they were all adults they all came up with a idea to split them so Rangi and papa will be apart. "Lets split them so we can see the light" said the brothers.

Later that same day they tried to push them together but they couldn't. Then Tane went  and had a try he put his shoulders against Papa and his strong feet against Rangi then he pushed he pushed so hard that papa and Rangi were crying they yelled "why are you doing this stop please" he pushed again and again in till he separated them he finally finished they were happy to see the light but there was one brother that didn't like it and it was Tawhirimatea he was so mad he didn't like seeing his father cry so he fought his brothers with wind,rain and hale stones they were mad so Tangaroa fought him with the sea.


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walt use blogger again  8.9.2020