
Friday 28 February 2020

My favourite artist

My favourite artist

My favourite artist is bob Marley he is mine and my dads favourite artist i have listened to his music since i was 5. I choose him to be my favourite artist because i listen to his music all the time. i think he is really cool  That's why i picked him to be my favourite artist.

The creation story

24.2.2020 WALT use correct sentence punctuation in your blog post and comments.
The creation story.

The creation story is about how Papatuanuku and Ranginui made land and sky. There was nothing nothing but darkness he was called Te po. Papa & Rangi made land & sky. Papa had 6 sons They are all Maori gods. Later when they were all adults they all came up with a idea to split them so Rangi and papa will be apart. "Lets split them so we can see the light" said the brothers.

Later that same day they tried to push them together but they couldn't. Then Tane went  and had a try he put his shoulders against Papa and his strong feet against Rangi then he pushed he pushed so hard that papa and Rangi were crying they yelled "why are you doing this stop please" he pushed again and again in till he separated them he finally finished they were happy to see the light but there was one brother that didn't like it and it was Tawhirimatea he was so mad he didn't like seeing his father cry so he fought his brothers with wind,rain and hale stones they were mad so Tangaroa fought him with the sea.


Wednesday 19 February 2020

My hobby

WALT use correct punctuation in our blog post and comments.

My hobbie is riding on motorbikes I've been riding motorbike's ever since I was 3. sometimes I would be able to go for a ride on the fields or up to the school it will be fun if i went to my mate's. Me and my dad will go riding out at Tokerau beach sometimes he would take me out west he would also take me for a feed and that is why I love to ride motorbikes.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Huia whanua's first day at tech

WALT: use correct punctuation in our blog post and comments

on Thursday 13.2.2020 Me and Huia Whanua went to tech for our first day it was exiting everyone in My class could int wait in'till we get there. when we arrived at tech we all had to get into 1 single file line we walk to our class and seen Mr Benjamin standing out side waiting for us we walked into our class I had food tech so we did cooking the year 7's went to Mr Russel and Mr Benjamin's class 

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Amulet stone keeper book 3 the cloud searches.

Image result for amuletWALT use correct sentence punctuation in our blog post and comments.
Amulet is a fantastic book it has so many series it has book 1 collections or the way to book eight collection this book is about Emily trying to help save a different world from the elf king and the council they have been killed, but they somehow come back to life but there like ghost they have been cursed by a spell and Emily loses her friends.

Friday 7 February 2020

Team building #3

WALT work together as a team.

Reflection: on team building we had another test about using water balloons we had to try and make it last and try not to make it pop if it pops then you are out of the game we tried our hardest but it was hard at the end everyone still had fun.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Team building #2

WALT work together as a team

Reflection: on the 4/02/20 Huia Whanua had another task about team building we had the same activate as Monday the 3/02/20. But instead of using cups and a string we used marshmallows and a skewers. We had to make the strongest tower or the tallest tower at the end the girls still won and it was  so fun we even got to eat the marshmallows and it was fun.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Team building

WALT Work together as a team.

Reflection: on Monday the 2/3/2020 Me and Huia whanua had a class activate to do and it was about team building. You and your group had to work together come up with and idea.We played with 20 cups,a long string and 1 rubber band we had to make the tallest tower to win or make the fastest tower to win. We only had 10 minuets to complete the tower. We tried so hard and we made it to the end.


walt use blogger again  8.9.2020