
Thursday 29 August 2019


WALT summarise the text.

Reflection me and my class had another text to summarise and it was about Distribution about how filmmakers move films to the cinemas.

what is filmmaking

WALT create a film
Reflection we had to do a task and it was what is filmmaking this was so fun.

Monday 26 August 2019


WALT solve algebraic equations
Reflection in maths we had 20 or more min to create a poster about BEDMAS.

Wednesday 21 August 2019

Camera shots

WALT get a good view of a camera shot
Reflection me and Lopala were doing a task called camera shots. Me and Lopala has been taking photos of birds eye and worms eye shot and other shots you can think of this was fun.

Monday 19 August 2019


Walt create a short film

Reflection  Me and my group had a task we had to do we had to get in a group of 5 or 6 so we got into a group of 5 and made a film about shots and how you have to use a camera. We had equipment like tripods and ipads a microphone and other interesting things the person who helped us create a film was Harley he is a filmmaker he helped us create a film this was a fun activity.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Why Ihumatao is being occupied by protectors

WALT to summarise the text

Reflection me and my class were summarising a text about ihumatao


walt use blogger again  8.9.2020