
Tuesday 28 May 2019

Team building

Walt: Show our school values during team building.     
Reflection: Me,Richie,Shaie and Jaspa had team building and built a tower for a competition out of tooth picks and little marshmallows we showed respect\kia tika and kindness/kia ngawari by helping when your teamates need help and being respectful. During team building and in the competition we came second emm yum.

Monday 13 May 2019

title kia tika

walt share what respect looks like at kaingaroa school
reflection Me,crez and jaspa did a post about respect kia tika.
kia tika is important because you have to show respect to the person who is specking you have to respect others respect the pe gear.

Thursday 9 May 2019

Digestive system

Walt think critically about texts and respond accordingly.

We have been learning about the digestive system.. We read a  text about survival and a text about how the digestive system works.

I couldn't believe that to men in the text had to survive I couldn't believe  how they got to the island the first place.

 This week I was really proud of myself for completing the survival text.

This week I tried to complete as much work as  I can do.   

Monday 6 May 2019

what is the area

walt find the area of regular 2d shapes

Friday 3 May 2019


walt think critically about text and respond accordingly

reflection im glad its done


walt use blogger again  8.9.2020